Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Signal Media and Communications Holdings Limited acquisition of an interest in a Macau property company 烽火傳媒入股澳門豪宅 (烽火传媒入股澳门豪宅)

Signal Media and Communications Holdings Limited and PIL (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) entered into the Agreement with CRI whereby CRI has agreed to nominate PIL to be the purchaser and transferee of the Sale Shares, representing approximately 8.7% of the entire issued share capital of Macau Co, and to procure that the Sale Shares be sold and transferred to and registered in the name of PIL, for a consideration of HK$100 million paid in cash by PIL to CRI on the date of the Agreement.

MacauCo owns a 3,449 sq meters prime waterfront residential site on Nam Van Lake, located at Lote 9 in Zona A, Baia de Praia Grande and within a short walk from the CBD. The company plans to develop a landmark luxury residential tower of over 50 stories and 600,630 sq. ft. The building is being designed to the highest international standards to target the top end international clientele and will feature spectacular sea views and a luxury clubhouse.

烽火傳媒宣布該公司與獨立人士Castle Rock Investment (CRI)訂立協議, 同意斥資1億澳門元入股持有澳門南灣湖區的豪宅土地物業項目公司畔景灣置業約8.7%股權。

畔景灣置業主要資產為位於澳門Baia de Prais Grande(南灣湖區)名為Fecho BPG-Zona A-Lote 9的土地, 總地盤面積3,449平方米, 目前為空置土地。


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